Allahumma 'anta-ssalam wa minka-ssalam Tabarakta Rabana Ya Dhal Jalalil Wal-'ikram, Rabbana Taqabbal Minna Innaka 'Anta-ssami^ul ^alim, Wa Tub ^Alayna innaka'Antat-Tawaubur-Rahim, Rabana 'Atina fid-Dunya Hassanah, wa fil-'Akhirati Hasanah, wa Qina ^Adhaban-Nar, Rabana Hab lana min 'azwajina wa dhuriyatina qurrata A^yunin waj^alna lilmuttaqina Imama, Wa subhana rabika Rabul-^izzati ^amma yasifoon, wa salamun ^alalmursaleen, wal-Hamdulillahi Rabil-^alameen.
Allahumma inni 'abduka, ibnu 'abdika, ibnu amatika, naasiyati biyadika, maadhin fiyya hukmuka, 'adhlun fiyya qadha'uka asaluka bi kulli ismin huwa laka, sammaita bihi nafsaka, aw an-zaltahu fi kitabika, aw'allamtahu ahadan min khalqika, awista'tharta bihi fi 'ilmil-ghaibi 'indaka, an taj'alal-Qur' ana Rabbi'a qalbi, wa nura sadri, wa jalaa'a huzni, wa dhahaba

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Sumber dr blog~~~


hen I read this new article I really understand what the "MEN DAYUS. So let us look this light that we are not aware or become aware of our cause cursed by Allah SWT.

Thanks to his Zaharuddin Ustaz Abdul Rahman because it looks so far I am surrounded by many men that I am not aware dayus and this time I would advise them and act not to be "heroes" but as a tanggungjawabku.

Read, O men!. If a child is your pride or your spouse become a successful singer or have let your child with her boyfriend because you are blind to your ignorance. So do not be a man dayus more .. after reading this article.

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Husband and their responsibilities towards their wives and their daughters.

In fact, the chapter is somewhat long because too many responsibilities of a husband and father to his family. Just for ease of comprehension, the writing of this brief will focus on an issue first. That is the man who dayus is the Prophet will not go to heaven.

The Prophet SAW said: -

ثلاثة لا ينظر الله عز وجل إليهم يوم القيامة: العاق لوالديه, والمترجلة, والديوث. رواه أحمد والنسائي

Meaning: The three groups that Allah will not see (meaning no assistance from subject to punishment) in the Day of Resurrection: The traitor to the parents, the men and women who resembled the man DAYUS "(Reported by Ahmad and An-Nasaie: Albanian confirm Sohih: Ghayatul Maram, No. 278)

In a another hadith:

ثلاثة قد حرم الله - تبارك وتعالى - عليهم الجنة: مدمن الخمر, والعاق, والديوث الذي يقر في أهله الخبث. رواه أحمد والنسائي .

Meaning: The three that God has forbidden Paradise for him: the addicted, alcohol, the traitor to your parents and let Si Dayus the sins committed by members of the family "(Narrated by Ahmad)

In fact, many hadith which means that nearly two of this hadith. In short, what and who men dayus?

Meaning DAYUS

Dayus has been mentioned in several hadith narrated by Athar and others, namely: -

1) The Prophet: -

عمار وعن بن ياسر عن رسول الله قال لا ثلاثة يدخلون الجنة أبدا الديوث والرجلة من النساء والمدمن الخمر يا رسول الله أما قالوا المدمن الخمر فقد عرفناه فما الديوث قال من الذي لا يبالي دخل على أهله

Meaning: From Ammar bin Yasir said, he heard from the Prophet said: "The three that did not enter paradise until any DAYUS divided into Si, the men and women are similar to those of alcohol addiction" and a friend said: "O Allah, we understand meaning of alcohol addicted persons, but is it DAYUS? , The prophet said: "WHO IS THAT ignored MEET WITH WHOM THE SIGN members (wife and children) - (Reported by At-Tabrani; Majma az-Zawaid, 4 / 327 and rawinya is thiqat)

From the above hadith, we can understand that the purpose DAYUS man is a husband or father who had absolutely no feelings of worry and take Endah with whom his wife and son together, meet, but only in part to let his wife and daughter held and cuddled by anything other men.

2) Was also reported in another hadith, the same questions from friends about who dayus, and he answered: -

قالوا يا رسول الله وما الديوث قال من يقر السوء في أهله

Meaning: What dayus, O Messenger. He answered: That is a (male) who let evil (adultery, go to the private parts, free mix) made by its members (spouse and family)

Scholars of Information About Men Dayus

If we view the interpretation by the scholars of the term Dayus, they are as follows: -

هو الذي لا يغار على أهله

Which means: "a person with no feelings of jealousy (as light) to its members (spouse and children) (An-Nihayah, 2 / 147; Lisan al-Arab, 2 / 150)

Imam Al-'Aini said: "Jealousy rival dayus" (Umdatul Qari, 18/228)

But An-Nuhas:

قال النحاس هو أن يحمي الرجل زوجته وغيرها من قرابته ويمنع أن يدخل عليهن أو يراهن غير ذي محرم

Meaning: jealous (which is the opposite of the dayus) is a man to protect his wife and his kin from found and seen (her body) by non-mahram men "(Tuhfatul Ahwazi, 9 / 357)

Qadir Faidhul mentioned in the book:

فكأن الديوث ذلل حتى رأى المنكر بأهله فلا يغيره

Which means: As if the definition of the meaning dayus humiliation (the man) so when he sees something (done) by his wife and his family does not change "(Faidhul Qadir, 3 / 327)

Imam Az-Zahabi said: -

فمن كان يظن بأهله الفاحشة ويتغافل لمحبته فيها فهو دون من يعرس عليهاولا خير فيمن لا غيرة فيه

Meaning: Dayus is one expected (or a mark) that his wife was doing bad things (like adultery) so it is neglected because of his love to his wife, but no good for him and no sign of jealousy (which is required by Islam) in his "(Al-Kabair , 1 / 62)

Imam Ibn Qayyim also said: -

قال ابن القيم وذكر الديوث في هذا وما قبله أصل يدل على أن لا من الدين الغيرة غيرة دين لا له له له فالغيرة تحمي القلب فتحمى الجوارح فترفع السوء والفواحش وعدمها يميت القلب فتموت الجوارح فلا يبقى عندها دفع البتة

Which means: Verily, the religion is the original sense of the need for care (protective) or jealousy (the family), and whoever is not feeling that is the sign of no faith in himself, because jealousy is take care of the heart and keep members up farthest from the evil and scandal, the heart will die without it died the sensitivity of the member (of the illegal), resulting in no power to reject evil and menghindarkannya altogether.

Dayus is a great sin

Islamic scholars also agreed to categorize this chapter dayus great sin, that is mentioned in an Athar:

لعن الله الديوث (واللعن من علامات الكبيرة فلهذا وجب الفراق وحرمت العشرة)

Which means: Allah has cursed the men dayus (which means it is the curse of sin and therefore should be separated from her husband and mix it banned) (Matalib hooks Nuha, 5 / 320)

Although it is not a verdict which is widely used, but it is enough to show how strongly some scholars in the case of the man kedayusan.

This excerpt shows the more horrible the definition of the scholars about the meaning of the term dayus and close to it:

والقواد عند العامة السمسار في الزنى

Meaning: Al-Qawwad (one of which have the same terms dayus) in common with the broker to the clergy adultery "(Al-Manar sabil, 2 / 340, rawdhatul tolibin, 8 / 186)

Imam Az-Zahabi explain more about the subject dayus reported: -

الديوث وهو الذي يعلم بالفاحشة في أهله ويسكت ولا يغار وورد أيضا أن من وضع يده على امرأة لا تحل له بشهوة

Meaning: Dayus, a man who knows what evil done by its members and it was just silent, and no feeling of jealousy (or want to act), and including also means is he who puts his hand to a woman who is not lawful for him to orgasm "(Al-kabair , 1 / 45)

Unclaimed jealous Islam & Do Anger

It blamed the husband because the wife is too jealous, blind right eye is difficult, of course, in the case of husband and wife was asked to investigate, advise me not angry with your husband and wife who do so and do not feel well while grieving the conclusion that the husband do not believe in yourself. Often happens, the husband will soon misunderstood the meaning of a 'no confidence' to the wife.

In fact, we need to understand that it is an obligation in Islam, and shows you are a responsible husband and is fertile ones.

In addition, enjoy the husband who obtained a husband and wife solehah no longer difficult to prevent him from slipping in the valley kedayusan. This is because without any intervention and advice from the husband, the wife has to keep up their private parts, and his dignity.

The Prophet SAW said:

من سعادة ابن آدم المرأة الصالحة

Which means: "The happiness of Adam is a sign of women obtaining solehah (wife and children)" (Narrated by Ahmad, no 1445, 1 / 168)

It is very lucky, unfortunately, not easily obtained at the time of destruction solehah wife is, as hard to find a husband who does not dayus. Since the first, relatively many people from various youth keterlanjuran me mention their 'soft' and 'heavy', they want to know how to repent.

'Soft-soft' Before Marriage

If a father knows 'soft-soft' children and let it dayus. I want to stress that a woman and a man who was 'soft-soft' or 'you do' before the wedding in time love, without tawbat very serious, their families will come apart. Probably when they married, the husband or wife will be stuck with 'soft-soft' with others.

Only through sincere repentance can athwart the monstrous activities of nature beyond their household. Next, it will spread also to their children, this is because the seeds 'soft light' and 'you do', it will continue to spread to their offspring. Caution ..!

In this case, all the husband and father to act to prevent them falling in dayus. But keep your offspring.

Husband should occasionally check the mobile phone his wife, bags wife and others to ensure that no one in doubt. There may be a cheating wife was able to hide his sin, but sepandai-clever squirrel jumping all eventually will be caught. I know some women would say.

"Exhausted, we are not well to check our husbands ustaz?"

The answer, it should also, just my topic is now my husband mencerita responsibility. So I need to focus a bit ye husbands job.

A jealous husband and the father is obliged to safeguard their dignity and honor his wife and children.

Narrated how one event at the time of the Prophet

قال سعد بن عبادة: لو رأيت رجلا مع امرأتي لضربته بالسيف غير مصفح عنه, فبلغ ذلك رسول الله صلى الله عليه على آله وسلم فقال : أتعجبون من غيرة سعد? فو الله لأنا أغير منه, والله أغير مني, من أجل غيرة الله حرم الفواحش ما ظهر منها وما بطن.

Meaning: Said Ubadah bin Samit reported: "If I see a busy man with my wife, I would be pukulnya with pedangku", then presented to him will be said to Sa'd said earlier, the last prophet to respond: "Are you impressed with jealous nature (to religion) is owned by Sa'ad?, "By Allah, I am more powerful jealousy (and hate to take Endah religion) berbandingnya, but God is jealous of me, for the jealousy of Allah is forbidden every bad thing that appears and hidden .. '(Narrated by Al-Bukhari & Muslim)

See how Allah and His Messenger, the husband and father want to have protective properties to family members from doing anything bad and wrong, particularly adultery.


We are simply trying to see how men will be restored DAYUS when: -

1) Leaving the beauty of private parts, the body of his wife enjoyed by other men during office hours (if employed) or outside the home.

2) Leaving his wife back late from work along with men is not known what and who and what he made at the office and who to send.

3) Leaving draw attention to his wife and adult daughter saw (terselak clothing) while riding a motor vehicle or any cause over the private parts visible.

4) Leaving his daughter ber'dating ' with fiance or boyfriend seclusion.

5) Leaving the daughter of two-pair with a partner in the so-called house parents 'spoting' is understood.

6) commanded, directed, and proud of the daughter and wife to wear sexy clothes outside the house.

7) Leaving his daughter into the Akademi Fantasia, mentoring, gang Starz and others who like to display the beauty of millions of non-mahram men.

8) Leave the wives and children on the stage and hugged the other men , allegedly on the basis of art and acting alone. Is the desire to act took away a man in?. Not once in a while.

9) Leaving the wife and work out without closing the private partsthoroughly.

10) Leaving the wife of a member of the body touched by another manwithout reason that is recognized by Islam as save it from drowning and the like.

11) Leaving his wife giving birth to dibidani male doctor without the desperation and need no choice.

12) Bring the wife and daughter to be treated by male doctors , while there is clinic and hospital doctors who are women.

13) Leaving work to go ride with the wife's boyfriend sepejabat without any jealousy.

14) Leaving the regular two-Duan wife of a man driving a car without any observations.

Too many more if I want coretkan here. Kedayusan will only be fixed to the men if all sins committed by her or her child in public and known to him, whereas if there is confidential, the husband is not responsible for and does not sickle 'dayus' kepad himself.

Maybe we thought: -

"If so, restored male dayus in kelilingku"

More important is that we see, whether we own belongs to the one mentioned above.

Caution, O man .. do not believe we are among those guilty of this.

O, the wives and daughters, if you love your husband and father, do not you put them in a categories DAYUS with no room for God to heaven.

Love yourself and your family. But keep yourself and your family from fire.

Finally, my husband and the father, to defend the religion of his wife and family even had to die for it. The Prophet SAW said:

من قتل دون أهله فهو شهيد

Which means: "Whoever killed for defending his family, he is a martyr" (Narrated by Ahmad, Sheikh turned Sohih by Arnout)

Thank you

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